2010 Year on Year Sales and Market Share Update to October 16th


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Xbox 360: UP Year on Year this week by 16k. UP Year to date 23.70%

Xbox 360 remains the only console still posting YoY gains, although rather small. With only 2 weeks of data left before Kinect hits, this will most definitely be the X360's peak year and possibly top PS3's 12.77 million current peak year as well.

Wii: DOWN Year on Year this week by 237k. DOWN Year to date -9.18%

Two rather bad milestones for the Wii this week. It drops below the 40% marketshare for 2010, and is now trailing 2007 for the lowest year to date sales for the Wii. Looking at total 2007 sales it won't remain this way for long, but it will be massively down over 2008 and 2009. As we edge closer to christmas the Wii is taking its time gaining units WoW and eventually taking back the number 1 spot as many predict. Wii is predicted to drop a further 500k over the next 2 weeks.

Playstation 3: DOWN Year on Year this week by 113k. UP Year to date 13.49%

PS3 falls under the 1 million YoY mark, with a further 200k to go before the month is up. With Gran Turismo 5 delayed PS3 should just about hang onto it's YoY increase before the game hits. It could tie or possibly outdo 2009 and become the new PS3 peak year.


Must be the new Slim models and motion controls have anything to do with the increase in sales for the 360 and PS3.
not surprising that the Wii is failing. it's had it's big run and it currently lacks any big games.