2011 Games


Space Cowboy
2011 looks like a great year for gaming, post games your excited for and whatnot

The Ico collection (SotC and ICO)
The Last Guardian
Dead Space 2
LittleBigPlanet 2
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (cant wait for this)
Deus Ex 3
Portal 2 (aka GOTY)
de Blob 2
Pokemon Black/White
Batman: Arkham City
Beyond Good & Evil HD
Duke Nukem Forever
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D
Nintendogs + Cats >_>
Kid Icarus: Uprising
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Id put up more 3DS games but most of them are TBA :/
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OoT 3D. I've finished the original game, want to see how the new one turns out.
Hm. So far I don't see anything good. Well besides Marvel vs. Capcom. Unless there's no MM characters then nope. Unless it's the chracters from Legends, then maybe not. I don't like Legends right now. I will play it, but it's just so odd out of every other game in the series.
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Hm. So far I don't see anything good. Well besides Marvel vs. Capcom. Unless there's no MM characters then nope. Unless it's the chracters from Legends, then maybe not. I don't like Legends right now. I will play it, but it's just so odd out of every other game in the series.

I know zero's in it, I dont think they're the characters from Legends.
I just look and Tron is in it, but as long as Zero's in it I might get it. Actually I think my friend will get it so I'll just let him get it. xD
Nintendo is gonna cost me a lot of money this year. Nintendo 3DS, Ocarina of Time, Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus, Black & White, Skyward Sword, Mario Kart, Paper Mario, Star Fox . . . I haven't even got the Wii Motion Plus yet, and God knows I'm going to have to get it sometime. I hope the money is worth it, seems it is going to be though.
Nin3DS fails. Donkey Kong Country Returns is not a 2011 game. It's a 2010 game. Infact it's been out over a week in the US, and it's out in 4 days over here.
Also, in response to "Forza Motorsports 4. It's coming out in November again i think though", the working title of Forza Motorsports 4 doesn't have a confirmed release date as such. It's scheduled for a 2011 release.
For me, I've got DKCR and SMAS25 coming this Friday, obviously, as for future games, i.e. in 2011 and later, personally Mario Kart 3DS is the only game that interests me. And maybe OOT3D, except I suck so badly, I'm at the "Inside the Deku Tree" part, and I can't even get to the part where you break through the web in the middle on the VC version.

Also, to make up for the lack of Yoshi's Island on the Wii VC (and if they don't actually release it before then), if they do decide to release GBA titles on the 3DS VC, do you reckon they'll release the SMA series, including SMA3?
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What I intend on buying. Luckily I'm getting a PS3 soon.

Same, the ICO collection and the Last Guardian are my main reasons for getting a ps3. Portal 2 has steamcloud or something for it too, I think it gives the game updates directly from valve... maybe...
You know, honestly, I'd say that most games that we look forward to are always going to be better than the current year that we live in. So, heck. 2011 looks alright... 2012 is where it's at. :>
So, you know how in late July, there was an announcement that Nintendo had announced the date that they would announce the Japanese release date and pricing of the 3DS? Has there been any announcements on when the announcement would be made for Nintendo to make an announcement for the the American and PAL-region release date and pricing announcement?

Also, I'd like to announce that this is not an announcement.
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2011 looks like a great year for gaming, post games your excited for and whatnot

The Ico collection (SotC and ICO)
The Last Guardian

Dead Space 2
LittleBigPlanet 2
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (cant wait for this)
Deus Ex 3
Portal 2 (aka GOTY)
de Blob 2
Pokemon Black/White
Batman: Arkham City
Beyond Good & Evil HD
Duke Nukem Forever
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D
Nintendogs + Cats >_>
Kid Icarus: Uprising
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Id put up more 3DS games but most of them are TBA :/

I bolded the ones I will definitely be getting and italicized the ones I'm interested in. I wish I had a PS3, the Ico collection looks pretty sweet along with Last Guardian. Deus Ex 3 looks cool from the gameplay trailers, but I never played the first 2; maybe I'll rectify that over the summer. I'm also looking forward to XCOM from 2K Games (Bioshock, Borderlands, Oblivion). I am first and foremost anticipating Skyward Sword, with Batman: Arkham City and OoT 3D fighting over 2nd.