Other 3 Billion In Combined Gaming Subscription Revenue


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What could only be considered bad news for those hoping for subscription free gaming one day or possibly the reason why Nintendo will soon charge for online play is that recent statics showed huge numbers for those paying for online gaming.

According to Superdata in the past year of 2016, both Xbox Live and PlayStation Network subscription services amounted to over 3 billion in revenue. If not impressive enough, total earnings for digital downloads on consoles including add ons and micro transactions was around 7 billion worldwide.

Impressive numbers if nothing else.
Yeah, digital content is definitely the direction to go. It's just so much more convenient. Subscriptions on the other hand, lets just say they better be able to back up the price tag. PSN is a fantastic service and get's better each year (even with all the bumps), so maybe Nintendo's will be as well.
Yeah, digital content is definitely the direction to go. It's just so much more convenient. Subscriptions on the other hand, lets just say they better be able to back up the price tag. PSN is a fantastic service and get's better each year (even with all the bumps), so maybe Nintendo's will be as well.

Is the direction to go if you have the proper internet or storage.