360 Steering Wheel


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There's been a wired Xbox 360 steering wheel for years now. I should know, there's one in my closet gathering dust. There's now a wireless Xbox 360 steering wheel. Think Mario Kart's plastic wheel, only a lot more expensive.

Due out in October, and priced at $60, it's an...interesting looking peripheral. While being released with Forza 4 in mind, Microsoft claims it'll work with all existing driving games, though with the caveat that in some titles there will be "limited functionality".

While it looks like Nintendo's plastic wheel, it's not motion-controlled (no mention was made of that in the wheel's press release), as it looks like you can attach (look at the pics of the unit's bottom) it to something of your choosing instead of lugging around its own cumbersome base.

It's also got haptic feedback and rumble.

see pics here

looks sleek.
It looks really good except for the middle part of the steering wheel. I think it would have been better if it was a "bump" instead of a complete extension for the center part of the steering wheel.
I think it's pretty decent, especially considering it's so tough to control a car using the original controller.
That or maybe I'm just noob.
Awweh, I have a wired steering wheel, It too has been in my cupboard gathering dust for the past year, I'll wip it out and give it a go eventually :)
It's design is really futuristic and cool, but $60 for non motion controlled piece of good lookin plastic? I'll pass this.