3DS Friend codes?


Well-Known Member
Hello I'm new to the forums and would love some Friend codes. I currently play Pokemon Y, and more safaris would be nice.

my code is 1177-7866-1905 3ds name: Jericho.

Willing to add everyone who sends me theirs. Thanks a bunch!
Yeah its a Grass type with Pansage in the first slot, Ivysaur in the second, and the third i'm not sure yet because i had restarted my file and just recently beaten the game again.
Wish you'd gotten here before you restarted because I need Charizardite Y lol

You can add me, my code is <- over there. I'll add you later tonight when I can get my 3DS.
Haha anything really. I just wanted to give out this Charizardite Y because I know I'm not gonna use it. Thanks for the add man. I went into your safari and the 2nd encounter got a shiny Dragonair LOL. First shiny encounter.
I'm mad jealous I haven't found any shinies this gen! Was it multiscale?
Ahh that sucks haha, when do you want to trade?
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Awesome man thanks for the stone! If you want any help breeding let me know I'll see what I can do.