3DS friends and friend code list idea


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Looking for 3DS friends and was scanning the board for friend codes, and thought: I wonder if it wouldn't be better to just compose a single list somewhere of friend codes, rather than having to go through posts and potentially re-add the same ppl. Anyone interested in this idea?
If so, here's a google doc we can try doing this on.


I ask that anyone who uses this list that they be respectful when adding people. There is a conditions section, please only add friends if you meet the conditions they post.

If you have other questions or feedback please let me know, otherwise, looking forward to seeing if this takes off!

Per how to do this, general instructions are written on the spreadsheet. If you want to add yourself to the list, fill in a new row with the data under the yellow columns. This information includes your 3ds username, 3ds friend code, a little about yourself, conditions of the types of 3ds friends you are looking for.

After (and as the list fills up), if you find a friend you would like to add (and who's conditions you meet, unless they are preferred and not required), then you may add that person as a friend on your 3DS. Afterwords, in the row of the 3DS user you added, add your own 3DS friend code under their orange column so that they know that they need to add you (if they so choose). Either way, once they have finished deciding what they will do, they will delete your friend code from their orange column so that they know that they have taken care of that entry.

If it sounds confusing, it will hopefully make more sense when you see it! Alright! Hoping lots of people join in!
Added you Ezio, feel free to add yourself to the 3DS friend list I posted (in the google doc link above) as well to aid in searching for 3DS friends

I see that the chatbox auto-shortens the link, the full link if curious (without the spaces after the https://) is:

https:// docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtvbIOh-UhtKdGZiWEs1T2YxZGpqZERSUFJ4ZjBHb0E#gid=0
hey its Josh. the new 3ds friend that keeps sendining the same message 3 times in a row

Hey Ezio, I added you to the list per our swapnote discussions. And no worries about the multiple messages, as I mentioned it seems to take a little bit for the swapnotes to reach their destination, so as long as you keep that in mind for replying it should be fine
Smertrius77, your 3DS FC you wrote is incorrect, but the one in your tag is right. Thanks everyone for testing my idea! Added everyone who posted. If you wrote your name in the list, please try to check it every week or two to see if you added anyone / check if you want to add any new people. Feel free to share this with other 3DS users looking for friends!