3DS Friends


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys
I would like a lot of friends for my 3ds I play fighting games most of the time and i like using swapnote.

Okami: 2707 2629 1209
added my fc is
jd1990: 2664 3040 1094
i play kid icarus
Hey! I'm Jacki! I'd like to be buddies, so you can add me!
I play: SwapNote, Mario Kart 7, New Super Mario Bros. 2, and Super Mario 3D Land!

Jacki: 2707 - 2629 - 1209

Thankies! o^w^o
added my fc is
jd1990: 2664 3040 1094
i play kid icarus

I added all of you my firend code is 4184-1395-4938
I play mario kart 7

Added yall. Mine is 5386-7209-9279
Hi Guys :D I would like a lot of friends for my 3ds I play fighting games most of the time and i like using swapnote.

Okami: 2707 2629 1209

I added you, my code "Osui" 0490 - 4885 - 8385