3DS Games to be $40?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
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High? I was expecting 50 or somethin'

Well this is only good news to me and my mom
(The one who's buying my 3DS)
They just edging closer and closer to console game prices, don't they? I may start buying more games used.
Yeah, the whole way this 3DS console is going seems to be Nintendo treating it like a home console.
Over here in Australia, DS games aren't cheap. Its around $60 for something brand new if the game's recieved some good reviews. If it hasn't its around $30. Preowned DS games are around $20 but that once again depends on how well the game has been reviewed - some are only $12. Hard-to-find games that have to be bought pre-owned (Like Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story) are worse - its like you're paying for a brand new game!

Anyway, a local store has a special offer going - pre-order the 3DS and you can get a game (launch titles only) for $15. I'm not sure how much they will cost outside of a bundle though.
just what i was expecting
$40...fair enough. Psp games that are released nowadays are $40...plus a huge data install to make the game run at a decent speed...
Yeah, I know it's true. I can't find the original video from a while back where I saw someone saying it was $35-$40(I thought it was Reggie, but I'm not sure) but I found this which was from the 8th. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/02/08/reggie-mobile-games.aspx