3DSC Youtube channel?

Link 70222

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Since there's no suggestion forum, I thought I'd post this here...

Are we just going to abandon the DSU channel and make a new one or are we going to continue using it? I suggest we make one ahead of time so it's all up and ready by the time the forum is.
And if we do make a new youtube channel, is it going to be controlled by multiple people like it was in the past, or by the creator?
Just curious. I wouldn't mind continuing the usage of the dsu channel, but whatever works.
EDIT : Link is broken.
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Really? It works fine for me.

http://www.y outube.com/user/Nintendo3DSChannel

Try that, but without the space.
It'll be a staff controlled channel. And by the way, keep in mind this is not a place to discuss DSU, that site was ended for a reason.