4 out of 5 American Kids want Apple iPads and iPhone Products


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In fact, out of the top five products out there that kids want, four of them are from Apple: the iPad, the iPod touch, the iPad mini, and the iPhone.



I guest kids these days like apps, and game apps like Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, Draw Something, and Asphalt 7 on an iPad or iPhone.

It's weird that fewer kids wants a Paintball gun, Airsoft gun, Go-Kart, Bicycle, Scooter, Action figures, Legos, Anime, DVD movies, and remote control cars and planes anymore since it did not make the list.
Play Angry Birds, and other games and apps which might be good on touchscreens like painting apps, Fruit Ninja, drawing apps, and story book apps.

I see kids wearing Angry Birds clothing in public, so I'm guessing these types of touch based games are popular with them since mostly huge fans of games will wear game themed clothing since most video game clothing are over priced compared to regular clothing.
People wanting the same Tablets like iPads or iPods like the iPod Touch could also mean the apps everyone uses to game or talk to each other like CSR-Racing, and chat apps like iMessage are only available for Apple products since there is no CSR-Racing, and iMessage for Android, or Windows Phone.

This is similar to Halo fans wanting an Xbox 360 because all their friends are playing Halo, and Halo is not available on Wii, PS3, etc.