400 days movie


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Anyone watched it here?
It's about deep space simulation of 400 days. Do watch it, if you are into psychological genre
Never heard of it is it good?
Seen it released and seen the trailer but never got to watch it.
Well in my opinion opening up schools over here is not a good idea but we can't make everything online so hmm
Vaccine will probably take 6 months or more we can't make sure when it's going to happen :(
That's true
My company wouldn't ask us to come to office until December but after that, it's going to be hard to avoid going outside.
That's true
My company wouldn't ask us to come to office until December but after that, it's going to be hard to avoid going outside.
Well everything is forced us to do cause we need to raise economy kek even students forced to write exams even there's no exam center for them in their city like they need to travel like hundreds of distance
That would be impossible
Everything is returning to the new normal and they are even opening schools here
Well, you think they are but it's getting worse
Well everything is forced us to do cause we need to raise economy kek even students forced to write exams even there's no exam center for them in their city like they need to travel like hundreds of distance
That's true (_ _)
Well, you think they are but it's getting worse
That's true.
It's going to infect everyone at this rate
Yeah, cases are going up in my area which the cause... *drum roll* from school and 'safe' school events.
That's true but we don't have a choice now
Seen 500 films? :p