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Do any of you have a 401K? If so, how much do you put into your 401K? Does your employer match any amount that goes into that?
What's a 401k? Is it like a pension fund?
It's an account with all these rules put in that is savings meant for retirement. The government taxes stuff you take out from it.
Yup, I have a 401K! I try to contribute as much as I can, and luckily my employer matches a certain percentage of my contributions.
Yup, I have a 401K! I try to contribute as much as I can, and luckily my employer matches a certain percentage of my contributions.

My place of employment has the same thing.

I do have a 401K. I contribute to it on every paycheck and the company I work for matches up to a certain percentage.

Finally got one going a few years ago, way later than I should but it is what it is.

I didn't have a 401K until I started working for the company that I have now (not that I remember anyway). At least I have something and that's better than nothing.

What's bad is, between social security and my 401K, I'll be making more money when I'm retired than I am currently making while I'm working.
That's what I said.

They keep trying to up the age limit on social security. I'm afraid that by the time my generation gets ready to retire, we'll have to work till we're dead because they've up'd the age limit to 100 or something like that.
What's a 401k? Is it like a pension fund?
Yeah, something like that.
That's what I said.

They keep trying to up the age limit on social security. I'm afraid that by the time my generation gets ready to retire, we'll have to work till we're dead because they've up'd the age limit to 100 or something like that.
It's unfortunate they prey on the people in any way they can not minding how much we have to suffer.
My husband has one for his work. He puts in money every weekly paycheck & his company matches it up to a certain point as well. It's a nice way to have a bit of extra money when people retire.
I agree. It should be a crime. You should get the chance to retire and live life. The American people pay all that money into SS all their life. It isn't right to take that away from them.
The government will keep being greedy no matter. It's why self sufficiency is the key. Have your own business grow financially.