A 4th Game Console


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We got sony and the PlayStation series, We got Nintendo with their wacky named systems, and we got MS with the Xbox series.

Do you think there should be a 4th console made and by who? And what should it have to up all the rest? (and for argument's sake, PC don't count.)

I think Sega should throw their hat back into the console ring and with the valkyria chronicles series and sonic series backing it, it could quickly gain popularity.
I agree, but they do have another one. It's called the Zeebo; look it up on Wiki. So technically the fifth one should be Sega.
Doesn't Onlive have a cloud gaming console which lets you play online high quality games with their Micro-console.

I think Apple might be coming out with their console or games for Apple TV which is a box which you connect to your TV.
PC isn't a console Sarx. It's a PERSONAL COMPUTER, which makes it whatever you want it to be, BUT it's not a direct console.
You can install different operating systems like Linux and Apple MAc OS X on some PC if you read a book about how to do it or if you are savvy enough to know how.
Alienware, Razor, Voodoo Apple and other high end and gaming PC makers can make a 4th consoles since they already have the gaming fan base from their gaming PC company to make a game console which people will hardcore alienware fans will buy.