A bit of spam happening


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I thought I let all the GF members know that spammers have been joining the forum recently posting guides to junk and stuff. Staff has been on top of it and you should never have to see it.

But I do not want a % of joined members on this forum being spammers. So I have started taken some measures to discourage them from joining and posting. For now I have started banning words that are common to their posts so don't be alarmed if a word you use turns out to be "delete".

If you happen to be on other forums where this is taking place let me know and try and get me their IPs so we can try and prevent this in advance. Also these are not bot spammers, but real people possibly getting paid to do this stuff.
it's not active members doing it, SW. it's new members who join, post the DVD - delete tutorials and leave. It's becoming a net wide problem.

But, i did hear that it actually means your forum is successful, cause you have a high google search template, and your forum is active, and thats what they're targeting, now.

It won't end, thy'll just pybass any IP bans with proxy's, and even humans are joiuning forums to post these up.

and they don't mean anything ... thats what i don't get, noone's gonna use them, noone cares about their tutlorials.
QUOTE (Spiritwarrior @ April 23, 2009 11:09 pm) I would PM this to all the members instead, I think this post may cause them to notice that we're onto them.
I hope they do see this and learn that they are not wanted here. we are well aware of them and what they are doing. We must now take measures to keep them from joining and from keep coming here.
You can contact their web hosting company and see if the web hosting company can delete their website for posting spam which is against most web hosting Terms of Service.

I notice I have spam as well from one site called: xperiencedays .

Also, look at the links in their sigbature and website profile link on their profile. I found a person with links which lead to WoW farming websites that sells WoW gold.
a heads up DS, if you block proxys, I wont be back.

I blocks servers, I run this as a server.
QUOTE (Stosh @ April 24, 2009 06:15 pm) a heads up DS, if you block proxys, I wont be back.

I blocks servers, I run this as a server.
unless you or someone else changed the settings I already block proxys before this spam thing. I also got your IP to not being scanned for proxies. you should be good.
Whoa!!!! i think i actually prevented one. this guy herev "dealrocker" had all the characteristics of a bot, but didn't post the spam.

What i did, was copy/paste the "titles" of their spam topics, and used that in my censored word list.

i haven't been hit since then. And i usually get them about 1 every 3-4 hours.

of course, we'll see later tonight.
QUOTE (hcfwesker @ April 24, 2009 06:30 pm) Whoa!!!! i think i actually prevented one. this guy herev "dealrocker" had all the characteristics of a bot, but didn't post the spam.

What i did, was copy/paste the "titles" of their spam topics, and used that in my censored word list.

i haven't been hit since then. And i usually get them about 1 every 3-4 hours.

of course, we'll see later tonight.
send me their IPs so I can block them and him.
I may have an idea, and it should pay off in the end. I can possibly ban their IP and their network neighborhood together, but I'll need to do a little research about the IPs from the spammers in this forum before doing so, to avoid any issues.

I'll have to return here later on because I'm currently listening to a college baseball game.
Network IPs can be blocked, but for some like me, who is on a network, has no relation to any other IP on the network. So all you do is ban up to 254 useful members that you could encounter.
QUOTE It won't end, thy'll just pybass any IP bans with proxy's, and even humans are joiuning forums to post these up.

So far that hasn't happened, if they were using a proxy they would fall into our validating bin, which has happened to a few genuine users who were mistaken for one in the past.
Maybe forcing new members to post 10 posts before they can posts links will make some spammers go away or not register again when they spamed once because it is a hassle to post 10 posts just to be able to post 1 link.

I found an interesting article on preventing humans from posting.


This part is interesting in the article:

Hide user profiles, the memberlist and the groupcp from guests
What is it? Self explanatory. There is no reason for guests to be able to view user profiles, the memberlist and the groupcp.
Target: Mostly humans, but some bots as well
Pros: By blocking guests from those pages, you also block search engine bots. If search engines cannot index the links spammers put in their profiles, they will be less likely to target your site. This is particularly true for human spammers who usually investigate sites before spamming. The MOD is simple and easy to install
Cons: If you specifically want user profiles and the memberlist indexed by search engine bots, this may not be for you.
Bottom line: If you don't have any specific reason to leave these sections of the board open to the public, I recommend making them only to registered users.
We can handle these idiot spammers lol thanks for the help, I shall get on stopping some known spammers.
QUOTE (Stosh @ April 26, 2009 12:34 pm) We can handle these idiot spammers lol thanks for the help, I shall get on stopping some known spammers.
That may not be necessary. I did what's called a Class C ban on them since 4/25, which I will announce today. So far it seems to be working.