A Fan Game in Two Days (I mean, One Week *shifty eyes*)

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Okay, because I'm bored as all hell, and I've finished most of my work, I can finally relax and do crap that I want to. So here's something that should keep me entertained for a bit. I'm going to try and make a simple (but addictive) fan game in two days.

What's it have to be about? Who knows. But I'm probably going to aim towards a shooter, or something else that consists of racking up a high score. I might base it around Shy Guy for fun too. But essentially, I need you peeps to come up with some neat idea. You all have around a day and a half for brainstorming before I get to work, and by work, I mean not only making the thing, but creating backgrounds and sourcing music too.

What kind of themes am I currently into? Well, that Game & Watch game called "Fire" is so addictive, yet so simple. Something like that would be awesome to make. Maybe I could do a similar thing, but add a whole bunch of game modes. Who knows? I am also currently into the futuristic theme of things, so those two things might be able to point your ideas in the right direction.

Hopefully I can actually fulfil this mini-challenge. It's not going to be great, everybody remember that. But hopefully I'll have made something adorable to show off in the future. The simpler the mechanics are, the more time I can spend to make it look pretty!
How about a game where you stack as many Shy Guys of different sizes to get as high as possible for the highest score possible?
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Ooooo! This reminds me of the Ludum Dare competition, chiefly because Notch took part in it with his "Prelude of the Chambered" Java game.
How about a game where you stack as many Shy Guys of different sizes to get as high as possible for the highest score possible?
Hey, that sounds pretty cool. Little worried about how exactly I'd go about the stacking physics though, might be a bit challenging unless if I were to use some external library. I know one of them exists, but yeah...

Actually, after a bit of searching, I did find a library. Looks like it would be kind of simple to get the main thing working, then I'd just replace these boxes with Shy Guys. I'm still open to other ideas though, heh.

Ooooo! This reminds me of the Ludum Dare competition, chiefly because Notch took part in it with his "Prelude of the Chambered" Java game.
Heh, except probably not as brilliant results. *shifty eyes*
All right kids, the game has been decided! How about Space Invaders... but with a fairly decent twist?

I know, Space Invaders been done God knows how many times, which is why I want to make it more suspenseful by doing this: adding another 3 waves of invaders. And by waves, I mean you'll have invaders coming at you from above, the left, the right, and behind! The catch? You can only shoot at one direction at a time, but you're able to switch to whichever one you want.

In case you want a diagram, here's one I whipped up (quickly, mind you):


I'll be sure to add in power ups and a cool looking GUI, and hopefully it won't be that hard to make the actual thing as well. It's possible this could go a little over two days, but I'll try my best to get the majority of it done!
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Well, I bumped this up to a week instead of two days because I wanted to give myself enough time to make this decent. So THE WEEK COMMENCES NOW.

I would probably churn out a bucket of awfulness in just two days, anyway.
Hey, I think Dev and Y64M should be playable characters. We inspired it (but mainly me)

*Babbles like a 5 year old*

If Don gets to be in the game then SMF should be a secret unlockable character after you beat level 1,000 on hard difficultly.
No members are in this game, only Shenanigan Guy characters! Your place will lie in the credits Dev. Not sure where you can go SMF, but I'll plop you somewhere. Maybe. *shifty eyes*
You should make bunchie invaders and give me credit for the bunchie idea! Please.
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