A few projects I would like do


Well-Known Member
Full GL Member
okay, since Im the coder/skinner, Im going to do a few things here.

1. new skin 10/100% (Im still looking for ideas, if you have one, send me a PM, if you wish to help, credit will be given.)

2. I would like to redo the topic profile system. 0/100%

3. download system, I need ideas for catagorys. 30/100%

4. clean up the wrappers cuz theres alot to load... 100/100%

5. find a gfx guy to help with the topic images, as Im still fail at that part... -100/100%

6. keep this todo list updated

I will keep updating this, percents will be attempted to be up to date, but no promises.
if you have any requests for skins, please post here, or pm me.
I will continue to work on my gimp skills, afterwards, I will try to take on the gfx spot, on the board, along with the one Im holding now, if thats okay with D_S and mr kalas...
any ideas will be welcomed, as stated above, any work you help me with on the skins/images, will be credited.

if you will support this, please put this in your siggy

1. give me some time and I will think up some ideas.

2. ok just give it to me when you finish to look it over.

3. no idea on

4. >_> ok

5. I'll increase my hunt for one

thanks for doing this hecter.
Sounds awesome Hector!
Once he's back, will the changes still be made I presume?
QUOTE (Kisame @ June 22, 2008 01:37 pm) Once he's back, will the changes still be made I presume?
I hope so. I had hope they be done by now. luckily I'm getting number 5 done right now.
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ August 11, 2008 09:54 pm) QUOTE (ubertrance @ August 11, 2008 09:47 pm) I have my instant messenger idea and hopefully people will respond
hopefully your project will do well uber.
i hope so
Hey regarding the skin, I can sort of do invisionfree skins and I'm wondering if I can make a GF themed one.

Download system categories:

Graphics Resourses (For brushes and the likes)
Flash Games
Other Games

And make it very clear that you don't upload copyrigted stuff because with those ideas theres alot of scope for that.
QUOTE (Typewriter @ August 12, 2008 05:45 am) Hey regarding the skin, I can sort of do invisionfree skins and I'm wondering if I can make a GF themed one.

Download system categories:

Graphics Resourses (For brushes and the likes)
Flash Games
Other Games

And make it very clear that you don't upload copyrigted stuff because with those ideas theres alot of scope for that.
If you can make us a skin please do. and thanks for the download categories.
I am going to make a banner for the Diary Of Jane skin, I would hunt down some images for the other icons, uless one of our graphic gamers would like to make those for me
QUOTE (Cloud @ August 13, 2008 04:44 pm) I am going to make a banner for the Diary Of Jane skin, I would hunt down some images for the other icons, uless one of our graphic gamers would like to make those for me
make a request then.