A few questions I have about Luigi's Mansion 2


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1. Do you get anything for reaching the maximum amount of money in the vault? I know that getting all upgrades, gems and ghosts (including ScareScraper ones) is what gives you one of the E Gadd medals, but what happens if you max out the money? Do you get a minor cosmetic reward like in New Super Mario Bros 2?

2. What's this whole 'spectral mass' thing about? It records the heaviest ghost you've captured by species, but does this have any in game effects or is it just random? Someone elsewhere compared it to catching the heaviest fish while fishing, but what's the point in having the heaviest ghosts in this game?

How can ghosts even have weight anyway? They're technically not made of solid matter...

3. Does anyone know how the Endless ScareScraper compares to the other difficulty levels? It seems to be pretty hard beyond about floor 10 or so, but it also seems like it starts off on Normal or Hard difficulty rather than Expert. Is there a proper comparison for how difficult each difficulty level is here?
Maybe it's too early to be asking all these questions. not every one has beaten the game yet. (including me :P)
1. Do you get anything for reaching the maximum amount of money in the vault? I know that getting all upgrades, gems and ghosts (including ScareScraper ones) is what gives you one of the E Gadd medals, but what happens if you max out the money? Do you get a minor cosmetic reward like in New Super Mario Bros 2?

2. What's this whole 'spectral mass' thing about? It records the heaviest ghost you've captured by species, but does this have any in game effects or is it just random? Someone elsewhere compared it to catching the heaviest fish while fishing, but what's the point in having the heaviest ghosts in this game?

How can ghosts even have weight anyway? They're technically not made of solid matter...

3. Does anyone know how the Endless ScareScraper compares to the other difficulty levels? It seems to be pretty hard beyond about floor 10 or so, but it also seems like it starts off on Normal or Hard difficulty rather than Expert. Is there a proper comparison for how difficult each difficulty level is here?

Yeah, if you recall, I have been wondering about the vault for over a week now. And as for the floors, it seems to start you on expert when on endless because MAN are the bosses JACKED on floor 5! Stonewoot and I faced
a red football-helmeted shielded boss ghost with over 500 HP on floor 5 TWICE! We've dubbed it the Angry Re-re ghost.
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we got far up one run with lucky spins. the hp's started getting like 600+ with regular ghosts all having protection. it was insane ..