A mind reading headband


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Muse, InteraXon's new brainwave-sensing headband, allows you to do more with your mind then ever thought possible. Visit our IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign page for more details at http://www.indiegogo.com/interaxonmuse

This is pretty cool tech, but kind of scary since you don't know how much info the headband is reading.

I imagine someday we can just sit in front of our computer, and use our minds to type, move the mouse, and do other tasks by just using our minds to control our PC by wearing a headband.

I wonder how long it would take for the headband to put memories into your mind, and not just read it, so people can experience, and learn stuff faster by having the headband download memories and information into your head.
Neat, also I'm shocked how small it is. Usually stuff like this starts out bulky.

I would love it if you could draw stuff from what is pictured in your mind. I could make some awesome fan art.
If it is possible to draw stuff with pictures in our mind then we won't need cameras as much since we can just think of what we saw a few seconds a go or seeing now, and store it on the headbands memory card.