A new cartridge based games console?


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Anyone seen this interesting project someone is working on?


It's basically a new SNES or Mega Drive, for the people who want to buy new games in the style of those from the 80s or 90s.

So what do I think? Well, I think it's an interesting idea, although I really question the viability of a literal SNES style console being released in 2015 against the likes of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One. Seems like society may have moved on just a bit...
Pfft, if you think that society has moved on you have obviously never explored a Sony marketplace via PS4 or Vita. FFS, they gave us a free game a couple of months back that I SWEAR would play on the Atari 3200 or Colicovision called "Woah, Dave!". Xbox 360 gave us some Atari-looking game last year that reminded me of Lock N Chase for Intellivision graphically. Most of the games that have been released for Sony consoles especially resemble 70's-80's graphics or gay-ass Flash art. In fact, getting the awesomeness that was Axiom Verge - a game modeled not just graphically after Metroid but in gameplay as well - was a breath of fresh air for me.

so, in my opinion, this idea has merit if pulled off right. I still prefer sprite-based side-scroller Castlevanias and fighting games to the 3rd-person stylized ones.