E3 A Plague Tale: Innocence


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A Plague Tale: Innocence is a game currently being developed by Focus Home Interactive.The game is set in the Middle-Age somewhere in France. You will be playing as a young girl while guiding your brother and yourself to escape the Inquisition - and frenzy rats. It will be an action-adventure game and it looks very promising with its mysterious and creepy atmosphere.

It is coming out sometime in 2018 and it will be available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Any opinion on the trailer? Did you enjoy it?
Not the kind of thing I need to be watching this late at night...
Holy crud, when the girl sings "Ring Around the Rosie" it sent chills down my spine, which doesn't happen often to me with game trailers. The trailer was very well done for a teaser, and so far I like the idea of it. But as always I'll try not to get too hyped just yet, it'll be good to see some actual gameplay first. But overall, very promising.
Jesus Christ, this is creepy. Good use of the classic "creepy nursery song" trope.

I love my games historical, and I love my games creepy. The ambiance in the trailer was fantastic and I honestly look forward to it, even though I'm terrified of rats, go figure. We were missing a good game with the Black Plague thematic.
Well, that was some experience. Looks amazing! I generally love any game set in the older times. I just hope it won't revolve entirely on running away from rats :) Now, for the gameplay. I think they will involve some CO-OP tactics with your younger brother doing certain things you might not be able to. The general idea and the story seem very appealing. Middle age was a terrible time. Inquisitions and all those wannabes tortured people, killed people and brainwashed everyone in believing in witched and sorcery. I wonder how this story will reflect on those issues.