Multi A Rat’s Quest: The Way back home


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Embark on an adventure with Mat in "A Rat's Quest: The Way Back Home," a 3D action-adventure platformer developed by The Dreamerians. Experience the world through the eyes of a rat as you navigate treacherous woodlands, dark caves, and murky swamps. Armed with a rivet sword and nail daggers, face off against formidable foes on your journey back home. "A Rat's Quest: The Way Back Home" will soon be available on PlayStation 4 (PS4), Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC (Steam).

Why...does this look really good lol. I probably wont play it but it looks good.
That looks way too good, might try it.
The art and story direction makes it look like a movie. Really good in fact. However, it looks like a one-and-done game for the player. I'd be willing to watch streams of it, but I have too many games as it is.
A Rat’s Quest: The Way back home looks like a fun rpg with a rat as the main character. The gameplay looks unique, and the 3D animared graphics and levels looks very colorful and detailed.