A special site for all of us here


Full GL Member
This is a site I'd like to share with everyone here: the Gamers Convention forums. I wish to share it here because it may possibly end up being a GF partner site in the future, if it qualifies.

You may feel free to register and take part in the forums, the more members the forum has, the better. It looks like it has some members, but most of them are actually spam bots, I'll have to remove them to make room for future genuine users and increase the strength of the CAPTCHA image.

While visiting the forums, please enable your popup or floating ad blocker! This is because the host provider (UnlimitedMB) has a popup or one of the popups going around that may contain an virus or exploit. They think it's related to something I installed, or caused by an injected code, which is not really true and probably beyond their control. Because of this, you don't have to begin posting just yet. I plan to fix this in the next several hours, so you may not have to worry about that for very long. I'll have to wait until the heat dies down to begin work on the site.

I plan to migrate to a paid host that is already set up, which may take 1-3 days to complete, depending on the domain name transfer and database restoration. If you don't see the forums at all, or see a welcome message from the new host, it means the migration is ongoing. Please try to be patient during this time.

interesting looking forum, did you make it Spirit or did someone else?

once you got the forum transferred to a new host I will sign up then.
interesting looking forum, did you make it Spirit or did someone else?

I host the forum but did not create it, it was made by the developers of Simple Machines.

QUOTE Cool, another SMF forum. Will the skin be changed soon, instead of default?

Since the mods installed work well with that skin, it's likely to remain there as the default, but not taken out.

Now to start the migration.
Finally the host migration is finished, and the bad popup is gone. You can feel free to join the site at any time. The new host should handle the traffic and the connection though.

Out of the skins I've added to the forum so far, expect a new default skin to be in place soon.
The skin looks nice. I will login to your site again since I am already a member.