Adding all, also a swapnote friend =]


Well-Known Member
Hello, got a 3ds recently. I want to add everyone! My FC: 1478-3461-0368

Name: Shadow or Zezamorak

Please shoot me a PM or comment here to let me know you added me, it only works if both people add eachother xD

I love to mess around in swapnote too, so I will be your swapnote friend as well. =]
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:D I'll add you! I don't have many games yet so I just occasionally shoot swapnotes back and forth, always up for more friends!

My FC is 4398-9157-6094.
Hey there I have added all of you mine is :
Name : squid
FC : 0216-1080-5561

Games I have are Mario kart 7, Zelda, Mario 3D land and Nintendogs.
I also love using swap note
feel free to add me ^^ I love exchanging swap notes!

FC: 0404 6059 2153