Advance wars 3ds idea


Well-Known Member
Yes its me again back with another long and detailed idea( don't you just love me)

Well this will be about a game that I've waited for since the 3ds was first shows advance wars 3DS! Ive played advance wars 2,DS,and DOR and ive got to say ive enjoyed the hell out of them but advance wars DOR really just made me fall in love with advance wars all over again just like in 2. The new art style the change in music the whole new ways to use co's just wow I would pretty much say DOR is the most balanced advance wars out there your free to disagree with me of course.

Onto the idea.

I recently had a thought on the story since Ive beaten DOR a few weeks ago I would really love for it to continue in that world and to have the same balance but knowing intelligent systems they will improve on things and I can't wait.


I had an idea about them continuing DOR around 5 years after the world is pretty close to being normal again and there is now nations built in different parts of the world founded by survivors. But then tragedy strikes all of the nations army are attacked simultaenously by the intelligent defence systems army(Caulders army). Will now head of the Rubinelle army recieves the report stating about the attack and a picture of the commander leading them and he seems awfully suprised is it actually Caulder leading them could Caulder have survived or did another clone survive the war Caulder mentioned in the final mission of DOR? After seeing this Will decides to gather up his group and set out for these other nations to put a stop to all of this. Further along in the story we find out that Caulder is actually planning to set the world into crysis and chaos so he can have his revenge on Rubinelle.

While traversing the nations new co's join Will and his group.

(Continuing story now)

While the Rubinelle army travels the nations they meet another army who is trying to accomplish the same role as them but in more crueler ways and the leader of that army is Tabitha! according to Penny in the end of DOR she is sure that Tabitha is still alive so I think bringing her back like this would be nice so now you technically have 2 enemy army's while at the same time new ally's. Tabitha seems different and will actually help you at time during the game and you shall too all leading up to the end where someone finally deals with Caulder.

Thats it for this section.( I could go into way more detail but it would be too much to type)


Well all the main characters from DOR return who survived anyway I would let them keep their same co power. I would make it so that 1-2 new co's join you for each nation you enter into same goes for Tabitha's side too.


I would like the game to retain the level of play style days of ruin had. I would love intelligent systems to make full use of the 3D technology to make battles and landscapes more realistic for instance actually have your infantry and mech units hide in the mountains and show the depth of them same goes for forests and bases. I would bring back the multi CO usage of dual strike but there would be no dual strike powers you would control seperate teams even though they are on the same army you will have to HQ's if any of them is captured game over and there is no tagging in and out. Imagine controlling 3 different CO's sounds fun am I right?

Like every advance wars game I expect to be difficult ahve have a basic normal mode and a hard mode when you complete normal mode. I'd also introduce handicap battles for instance what If you get somehow ambushed by 3 nations so you will have to face 3 seperate CO's with just your one CO me personally I would find that really hard but enjoyable and probobly also crying to myself saying why meXD. Also I would bring back time limit levels like in dual strike I found them to be a nice addition adds a bit of tension to your battles.

New units
To be honest I think advance wars has enough units now but new ones always shake things up I had an idea about a sniper unit basically a foot soldier with a sniper rifle he will basically have the same range as an artillery unit needing one space away to attack and a 2 space attack range of course the rifle would only be effective on infantry,mech, and bike units.

I honestly dont have any new Idea for any air and naval units they basically have all the naval and air untits that ever existed to my knowledge.


Personally I was would actually make 2 seperate games one will be about the story from Will's side the next would be from Tabitha's side each would have a different ending since you would be playing as different armies with their own goals. Originally I thought of naming the games Heroes of ruin (Will) and Rouges of ruin( Tabitha) but Heroes of ruin has been taken so I decided why not

Advance wars: Heroes of war (Will) and Advance wars: Dark war( Tabitha)

Yes I know they sound cheesy and weird but hey still wouldnt be bad I would retail both games at 35-40 dollars. I would let the, have a swap function so if you have your streepass on and you pass someone with the opposite copy to yours you can gain extra maps.


Seeing as how Intteigent systems is releasing dlc for fire emblem awakening I would love for them to do the same for advance wars 3ds too in terms of new bonus chapters.

Thats all I have for now everyone thanks for reading and please comment If you get the chance It is appreciated.
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I like your ideas very much!!, still think about the separate games thingy, it wont be a little bit off to separate them? you'll have to buy both games in order to understand the full story
, maybe can be 1 game and Tabitha's story on a DLC??
I like your ideas very much!!, still think about the separate games thingy, it wont be a little bit off to separate them? you'll have to buy both games in order to understand the full story
, maybe can be 1 game and Tabitha's story on a DLC??
I like your ideas very much!!, still think about the separate games thingy, it wont be a little bit off to separate them? you'll have to buy both games in order to understand the full story
, maybe can be 1 game and Tabitha's story on a DLC??

I thought of that but I would like Intelligent systems to try something new It would tecnically be like 2 new advance wars games that's the main reason why I suggested it.
I like your ideas very much!!, still think about the separate games thingy, it wont be a little bit off to separate them? you'll have to buy both games in order to understand the full story
, maybe can be 1 game and Tabitha's story on a DLC??
I like your ideas very much!!, still think about the separate games thingy, it wont be a little bit off to separate them? you'll have to buy both games in order to understand the full story
, maybe can be 1 game and Tabitha's story on a DLC??

I thought of that but I would like Intelligent systems to try something new It would tecnically be like 2 new advance wars games that's the main reason why I suggested it.

Yeah I got you haha, umm maybe if they add like specific features for each game then it can be more accurate to separate them maybe?
I like your ideas very much!!, still think about the separate games thingy, it wont be a little bit off to separate them? you'll have to buy both games in order to understand the full story
, maybe can be 1 game and Tabitha's story on a DLC??
I like your ideas very much!!, still think about the separate games thingy, it wont be a little bit off to separate them? you'll have to buy both games in order to understand the full story
, maybe can be 1 game and Tabitha's story on a DLC??

I thought of that but I would like Intelligent systems to try something new It would tecnically be like 2 new advance wars games that's the main reason why I suggested it.

Yeah I got you haha, umm maybe if they add like specific features for each game then it can be more accurate to separate them maybe?
I like your ideas very much!!, still think about the separate games thingy, it wont be a little bit off to separate them? you'll have to buy both games in order to understand the full story
, maybe can be 1 game and Tabitha's story on a DLC??
I like your ideas very much!!, still think about the separate games thingy, it wont be a little bit off to separate them? you'll have to buy both games in order to understand the full story
, maybe can be 1 game and Tabitha's story on a DLC??

I thought of that but I would like Intelligent systems to try something new It would tecnically be like 2 new advance wars games that's the main reason why I suggested it.

Yeah I got you haha, umm maybe if they add like specific features for each game then it can be more accurate to separate them maybe?

Well yes you do make a good point there maybe in will's side of the story you would expirience tag battles more and on tabitha's side you wouldd expirience more handicap battles?
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