allergies suck


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feel like I got a small cold right now but everything it coming out clear. meh, I need stronger allergy medicine >_<

anybody else have problems like this around this time of year.
i always have a slightly stuffed nose. no idea why (maybe some kind of allergy) but it doesn't bother me so much.
occasionally it does really get blocked and man it's irritating.
My allergies have start up again this week! Headaches, tired eyes, post-nasal drip, the lot. Basically from now until November I'll be on some sort of allergy medicine.
I only have mine at Summer.

It's not that bad, but still irretating.
My eyes are getting all red, couching and stuff like that.
I hate allergies. I started getting a runny nose yesterday and thought I was getting allergies, but it went away really quickly
I think i get reactions from some pepper or spices.. that's why i can't eat some chips or chinese food :/ they give me runny nose and a headache.