PC/Mobile Allods Online 10.0 + Edge of Horizon update around the corner!

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  • Yes, bad memories, (especially p2w)

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Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!

I wanted to inform everyone about this awesome beautiful game that many will remember as the p2w WOW clone.

First I want to make sure that everyone knows that I am against p2w as well, and luckily for us Allods Online has a subscription server where there is no p2w at all.

It gets as cheap as 5 euros/month and then even less when buying more. It gets completely free once you start just participating in forum events of allods.
Server's name is Smuggler's Paradise.
That aside I wanted to tell you all about 10.0.

It's a new patch that raises the cap level by 5 levels, up to 85 now!
Gear will be reset but starts on the higher level now.
Levelling goes very fast as there is a permanent 40% boost, and in weekends a random buff appears that can increase exp gain by another 100%!
Old content will be brought back such as Mauseleum of Sparks!

If you do not remember the game, then it's time to get to know it and try it out with us!
New accounts get a free week trial so you don't have to pay at all to try it out.

The date of the patch is still unknown but mods are teasing everyday it is soon!
Edge of Horizon is an action style mmorpg that continues the lore of the Allods we know it by.

It has the same art style as Allods Online, only it looks to me like a rift game environment where random events spawn throughout the world and teams form randomly to bring down huge bosses and packs of monsters as you move throughout.

It's completely independant from Allods Online and playing there won't influence Allods Online.
I hope I got the fire in you awakened to come and try it out, I hope to see you ingame :)

Ask me for links to discord servers and the game's hottest new pages about the new content because I am not sure I can post links due to promotional rules.