Amazon Fire TV adds support for tablet games


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Now Amazon is adding support for even more games: the latest Fire TV software update brings support for games that were designed for tablets… whether their developers have optimized them to run on the Fire TV or not.

Here’s how it works: Once your device is running software version you’ll be able to download and install tablet apps from the Amazon Appstore.
Then you can use the optional Fire TV Gamepad to play those games as if you were using a tablet thanks to the following button mappings:
  • Left joystick: move the mouse pointer
  • A button: counts as a tap or click
  • B button: works like a back button
  • Left shoulder button: decrease the cursor speed
  • Right shoulder button: increase the cursor speed
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Cool, now people can play games like Temple run, Fruit Ninja, and Angry Birds on the Fire TV.
should lead to some good sales indeed.