Amazon's digital book sales pass paperbacks


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DIGITAL BOOK SALES have overtaken sales of paperbacks on, meaning that fairly soon hardcopy books will become rarer.

In reporting its latest earnings, Amazon said that it is selling more Kindle ebooks than paperback books.

Since January 1, for every 100 paperback books that Amazon sold, it sold 115 Kindle books. Since the beginning of the year it has sold three times as many digital books as hardcovers.

Amazon's statement said that the data was from "across's entire U.S. book business and includes sales of books where there is no Kindle edition."

The situation could be much better for digital books because Amazon excluded the popular free Kindle books from the figures.

It has been estimated that Amazon sold more than 8 million Kindles last year and then there are those who try to read books on the LCD screens on tablets and phones.

Amazon said it had 810,000 books in the Kindle Store and that doesn't include the millions of free, out-of-copyright, pre-1923 books that are also available as ebooks

All this could be bad news for the book barns that have operated successfully in the United States for the last 20 years and more. Already they are suffering in the same way that the big record stores have. It is also bad news for printers, which are seeing demand for their services drying up. Publishing companies will also feel the pinch because their markups are higher on printed books.

Books will still be published, of course, but it looks like they might become a niche thing from smaller publishers. µ


Impressive, that Electronic based books are so popular these days. I wonder if this means the end to those heavy textbooks which people have to buy or use for college or work.