Amouranth has announced that she bought Wildcard Gaming. Amouranth has been involved in several different projects since beginning streaming, and in addition to her contract with Kick, Amouranth also announced purchasing a controlling interest in Wildcard Gaming in June 2023. The move to buy the team in its entirety appears to be the consequence of a well maintained relationship between the two parties. Amouranth posted a video on social media in celebration of the announcement. In the video, she pokes fun at the eSports scene and lays out some potential competition in space.
Anyway, good for her for going the Penguinz0 route, and having an eSports team. The only thing more valuable than having money, is having an audience. If she wasn't doing thirst traps on Twitch & onlyfans, she wouldn't have the money -or the noteriety- to make something like this work. This is honestly a pretty smart move.