An open letter signed by Elon Musk and AI experts warned of an 'out-of-control' AI race with potential risks to humanity


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Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and other AI experts have signed an open letter calling for a pause on advanced AI development. The Future of Life Institute, a non-profit that aims to reduce existential risk from powerful technologies, issued the letter warning that AI systems such as OpenAI's GPT-4 are becoming "human-competitive at general tasks" and pose a potential risk to humanity and society. The letter calls on AI labs to pause training any tech more powerful than GPT-4 for six months while the dangers of the new technology are properly assessed. The letter cites concerns about the spread of misinformation, the risk of automation in the labor market, and the possibility of a loss of control of civilization. It suggests companies are racing to develop AI technology so advanced that not even the creators can "understand, predict, or reliably control." The letter warns that AI companies are locked in an "out-of-control race to develop and deploy" new advanced systems. The open letter asks for a six-month break from developing any AI systems more powerful than those already on the market.
I've never felt more replaceable as a human being. And no, I don't need help.
Hopefully, AI would be used more to help humanity like fighting crime instead of hurting humanity.
I'm not for AI. While it can be good in some instances, doesn't anybody remember Terminator & all the other movies? lol Never ends good for the humans!
Tech is great. In moderation. But I feel it also dumbs down society & we become too lazy. We can't even turn on the TV or the light; we have tech to do that!
I'm not for AI. While it can be good in some instances, doesn't anybody remember Terminator & all the other movies? lol Never ends good for the humans!
Tech is great. In moderation. But I feel it also dumbs down society & we become too lazy. We can't even turn on the TV or the light; we have tech to do that!

Ok boomer
I'm not for AI. While it can be good in some instances, doesn't anybody remember Terminator & all the other movies? lol Never ends good for the humans!
Tech is great. In moderation. But I feel it also dumbs down society & we become too lazy. We can't even turn on the TV or the light; we have tech to do that!
A reminder that Terminator has time travel. And in an age of old computers and nukes why in the world would an AI use them? They're off-limits. Our freedoms are being taken away every day and it would be nice for a change if AI can stop all this government money mismanagement that has been happening over the last several decades. On the contrary that no incompetency, toward the things that matter, should be allowed.
Nothing but facts were spoken, fyi.

You are free to not use any AI and get left behind. Don't complain later that your quality of life, working efficiency, knowledge, decision making ability, research output, wealth all start lagging behind people who adopt it.