An USB PC Keyboard Made Of Glass?


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I think this glass keyboard maybe good for people who have limited movement in their fingers, and arm where they are too weak to press individual buttons on a keyboard. With this keyboard, they just need to gently touch a glass button, or use a stylus to reach for buttons to touch.

I think this keyboard can also be good for people who want to clean their keyboard a lot by just using glass cleaner, or anti-bacterial wipes to quickly wipe up germs.

This keyboard does not look very durable, and I am afraid that it will break after someone drops it on the ground.
I think I've seen futurist movies have keyboards like these. I also have to wonder how long something like this would last?
I think I've seen futurist movies have keyboards like these. I also have to wonder how long something like this would last?

I imagine once the keyboard's letters, and button borders are fading or gone this keyboard would be harder to use for beginners who need to look at the keyboard to type.

I think this keyboard would last pretty long as a home desktop keyboard like most other touch devices like the iPad where many users are still using the iPad 2 in 2016 after it was released in 2011.

But, if this is used in a school, store, or public place, it probably won't last long because there will be abusive users who would try to break it to see if it is really made of glass, or because they like breaking other people's stuff for fun.

I imagine glass keyboard may get stolen a lot in a public place like a library because glass keyboards are uncommon, and robbers may think they can quickly sell it on eBay or Craigslist for $30.
Eh, it's ok, I guess, but I prefer a regular keyboard... I've seen more futuristic-looking keyboards back in 2012:

I prefer a regular keyboard as well.

I think I rather type on a piece of glass than a projected keyboard on a public table. Some tables may have a lot of germs on them if the previous user of the table did not was his hands, or spilled food on the table.
how well does it work in a lighted room or with the sun shining in?

I think typing on a projected keyboard which is projected on a metal or very reflective table could make typing on the table kind of annoying the light will reflect off your reflective table, and into your eye sort of like when you use a flash light, and point it at a mirror.

The reflection from the table may also cause your typing to be less accurate if the keyboard has a harder time picking up your typing when you are typing on a reflective surface.

I imagine the sound of typing on a metal table can also be kind of annoying because when you tap on metal it makes a metal sound like when you use something to hit a metal can.
I think I'd like it as a novelty. Like buy it from Best Buy and use it for 14 days and get sick of it before that and return it. I still like the tactile feedback that a regular keyboard provides.

It does look sleek and futuristic tho
I think this keyboard would be good for using in a sci-fi movie like Star Wars or TV show like Star Trek. If I was a film maker, I may buy this keyboard for using in a movie or TV show.