Angry Birds soda gives Soda company an 85% sales boost


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A leading Nordic beverage company, Olvi, just reported an 85% increase in soft drink sales and its impressive  growth is attributed almost entirely to the new range of Angry Birds sodas.

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I wonder if Angry Birds Soda taste better than Coke and Pepsi. I would drink Angry Birds soda if it is the same price or cheaper than regular soda.

I bet more people will buy the Soda if it comes free with the paid version of Angry Birds without ads which people can redeem via a free download code or giftcard.
Is weird the idea that a simple game make boost sales, but well, i admit the game is, maybe the fans make boost the company
Unopen Angry Birds Soda Cans may become video game collectors items if Angry Birds can is still huge popularity for many more years like Mario, Final Fantasy, and Sonic.

I bet a lot of the buyers of the Angry Birds Soda are collectors of video game items, and hope to sell them for many dollars more in the future to other collectors who are willing to buy them for a few more dollars.

A lot of old Squaresoft, Nintendo, Apple, and Sega antiques/vintage items now sell for thousands on sites like eBay, Amazon, and auctions.
It's funny how they're making angry birds everything nowadays. I see shirts, candy, soda, toys, bumper stickers, pillows, sheets, etc.
And I'm shocked at how people aren't just buying these things then throwing them at each other, reenacting angry birds. If I had an angry bird soda, you bet I'd be tempted to throw it at someone while making sound effects. Maybe that's just me...
It's not a very good idea to throw soda cans at people! :laugh: I do have a friend who has an Angry Bird-shaped pillow, though, and we keep throwing it at each other.
I've tried the Angry Birds drink and it's pretty tasty. It wouldn't taste any different without Angry Birds on the can, but it's a good advertisement. Angry Birds are crazy popular right now and also the can design is pretty good, bright, colorful and getting people's attention. Most of the soda cans don't have pictures on them at all.
I've seen an Angry Birds shampoo recently, I was tempted to buy it, actually! I really like Angry Birds products' design, all those strong colours look very good and interesting, in my opinion.
I agree the bright colors could be the reason for the increase in Soda, and Angry birds sales because they stand out from Pepsi, Coke, 7-Up, and other sodas which been using the same design with slightly different logos, and colors for years. 
This doesn't surprise me at all.  Angry Birds is ridiculously popular.  I'm sure the quality isn't any better or worse than similar soda products; in fact, I'd put money on the flavors being pretty close to anything else that the same company produces.

n87 said:
It's funny how they're making angry birds everything nowadays. I see shirts, candy, soda, toys, bumper stickers, pillows, sheets, etc.
And I'm shocked at how people aren't just buying these things then throwing them at each other, reenacting angry birds. If I had an angry bird soda, you bet I'd be tempted to throw it at someone while making sound effects. Maybe that's just me...
I can vouch that people will, indeed, fling Angry Birds merch of at least the plush variety at each other.  We had a section in my old job devoted to the franchise at my old job.  I don't think there was ever a time I could walk down that aisle and not nearly be smacked with a flying Angry Bird or having to pick the remnants of a fierce battle from the floor.  I could never get that aisle to look tidy ...
I hate to admit it, but I'd buy it just for the cute looking cans haha.

I highly doubt it'd taste much different though, it's obviously just a marketing plot. Angry Birds is a very good game so I can see this working out for them, Rovio's games so far including Bad Piggies has been truly awesome.
Marketing at its finest! One has to wonder how much it costed Olvi to acquire the Angry Birds license though. Still, a worthy investment I would say and those cans do indeed certainly attract the eyes attention. 