Animal crossing buddies? :)


Well-Known Member
Howdy:) I recently got the new animal crossing and I've got some pretty good footing so far. I'm in the market for some AC buddies so add me :) ( friend code in left column)
Just added you.

Name: Austin

FC to the left

EDIT: lol I just added you to find that you had already added me from my other post. Awesome.
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Added all three of you.. please add me:

Name: Lance

FC: on the left in my avatar
Haha! Just joined this fourm just for this (for now ;D)! I got everyones friend code down except the last person... I can't find it. My friend code is also to the left.

Name: Davin
NAME: jcar

FC: 4742-5528-7635

PM me if you add me, with your fc (:
Ill add y'all back soon as I can. I'm currently on vacation in a place with no wifi though so it'll take a bit. ( I'm replying through my phone)