Animal Crossing; Looking for neighbors for my daughter...

UnKnOwN Mr E

Well-Known Member
Hi all, I don't play this game, my daughter does and she is looking for neighbors? I'm guessing it's like Pokemon X and Y Friend Safaris? If anyone would so kind as to add her as a neighbor, I would appreciated it! Thanks ahead of time.

JaDe 4167-4718-7510
Well, when someone is added she'd have to let the person into her town(when they are both online) but they will not remain as NPCs in your daughters town. Adding people does allow animals who have moved out of their towns to move into your daughter's town if she has an open resident spot. Though for more people to move into her town she would need to improve her town by doing the in-game stuff. Keep in mind people she adds CAN write her messages when in her town, so if she's young i'd supervise her when she is playing online.

Good luck.
Hi Porkman,

Thanks for the information, much appreciated. I understand all the mechanics of the game and the chat, etc. Good to know your site is informative to parents. She's actually a teenager, lol! But always a Daddy's girl... thanks again! :)
i'll add her sometime if that's alright with you, my mii name is Ezra here's my friend code 0533-5614-4295. i have like zero friends with a 3ds so i also need neighbors.
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