Animal Crossing New Leaf Friends.


Well-Known Member
Anyone willing to be friends with me on animal crossing new leaf?

Rules if your gonna be my friend:

1. Don't be inappropriate.

2. Be friendly to my other friends.

3. Make sure you come to my town on the game!

4. Enjoy yourself in the town.

5. Got any cash? Want some items? Lemme know!

Heres my friend code: 0087-2357-1910
Hello (:

I just got the game yesterday so im stil new ^^

code : 4784 - 4920 - 2924

Hello (:

I just got the game yesterday so im stil new ^^

code : 4784 - 4920 - 2924


Alright, your added buddy! Thanks, be sure to play animal crossing new leaf with me sometime! You really wanna see my town: Coretown. Its the only name I could think up for it... It has loads of things to do.