Anime Studio Mysteriously Vanishes


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Tear Studio churned out shows like this year’s Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!? and last year’s Lord of Vermilion: The Crimson King. And Fragtime, a movie the studio animated, is currently in theaters. Tear Studio, however, seems to have suddenly vanished.

As reported by Get News, the studio’s official Twitter account has been deleted. It’s reportedly been inactive for the past few months.

A notice was posted on the Fragtime site stating that for the time being, they had been unable to get in contact with Next Batters School, the company that owns Tear Studio. “We will continue to ask Next Batters School representatives for status reports to grasp the situation,” the notice added.

News site IT Media also tried calling Tear Studio but couldn’t get in touch.

Freelance animators had taken to Twitter, stating that they have not received payment from the studio. As Hachima points out, freelance animator Gen Sato tweeted, “I never could’ve thought that a theatrical-release anime company would not only fail to pay but erase itself from Twitter and vanish.
Hopefully those freelance animators will get paid.