Anonymous search engine DuckDuckGo had 1 billion searches in 2013


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The 'anti-Google', which searches the web without tracking or monitoring the user, now answers 4 million search queries a day

DuckDuckGo, the privacy-focused search engine, served over 1bn searches in 2013 after a huge surge in interest following the Snowden revelations.

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It's good to see that alternative search engines are rising. I bet when enough alternative search engines like DuckDuckGo, Yandex, Baidu, Blekko, etc get 1 billion or more searches a year, Yahoo, Google, and Bing would not have as many searches per year.

Plus, more kids, and young adults are switching search engines because Google is starting to get kind of old like AOL, Yahoo, and ASkJeeves which were popular in the late 90s, but now are becoming less popular because more searcher switch to other search engines which have better features, more privacy, search results, and better results than older search engines which became greedy by putting too many ads on its website.
In this day and age where everything is tracked, one has to wonder if this is really Anonymous?
DuckDuckGo is more Anonymous than Google, Yahoo, and Bing according to . Also, people who use DuckDuckGo may use it as a way to protest against tracking by not using Google, or Bing where privacy is not as private as DuckDuckGo.