Anti Religion growing?


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I was reading a readers column in the paper today and the person said they herd about some shooting from a web article and the shooting was based on religion and when the person checked out the comments people basically posted that religion should be disbanded.

The guy future wrote that anti religion books were becoming very popular now and days which pretty much calls forth the motion of disbanding all religions.

So the question here is, due to violence raised from religion should religion be disbanded?
The small percentage of people who use religion as an excuse to commit violent acts just twisted the belief of religion for their violence. It is like blaming a video game for making kids violent. But, violent kids exist before video games.

We live in a free country, and should have the right to believe in or not believe in anything we want. I think disbanding religion will make the world an even more dangerous place since it gives more reason for "some people" to fight in what "They believe in",literally.

If religion got disbanded. We lose more of our freedoms which can be controversal like "playing extremely violent video games, Grand Theft Auto 4, going to strip clubs, gambling, watching movies with nudity, enjoying alcholic beverages,etc.

You can also argue that entertainment is a form of religion since popular TV shows like Star Trek, Star Wars, Spiderman, etc have a cult following like a religion. Many people treat their music, and TV shows as a religion. Would people ban them as well?

A lot of books, video games, TV shows,and comics also have religous themes, so they might get banned as well.
I don't like religion. I'm an Atheist. I'm not going to state all my reasons because I don't want to argue about it. 3 reasons are 1) it's usually corrupted, 2) it tells you how to live your life, and 3) it's a money making scam. I get into a lot of arguments with people about religion, and it bothers me to know people can't accept my opinion. A world without religion would be a peaceful one. Look at some of these wars, they are started because of religion, and the one that most people know is the Jihad, or the Holy war from the Islamic people. I'm not saying all of them started it, but some do it. I know very few people that are a true Atheist, and that bothers me too. And one more thing is when I ask people about why they believe and proof that god is real, they just stare blankly and say, "He just is." I get infuriated by that, but I can't change the world.
I don't support religion, but I don't want it disbanded. People have the right to believe in whatever they want to, but what they shouldn't do is act out because of it. Keep religion to yourself and ONLY to yourself. People who act out for their religions are just pissed that others don't believe in what they do.

Homosexuality is a big issue because Christians don't support it. They believe that just because their god said that being homosexual is a sin, they think they can control other people's sexuality. Gay marriage isn't allowed in most states because of religion, when everyone should have the right to marry whoever the hell they want regardless of what religion says. I hate people who try to control other people's lives.

But, without religion, imagine what our world would be like. We might not have this war with the Middle East, but our country would be overpowered by crime. The only reason why crime doesn't control everyone is because we're scared of sinning (if you believe in God, then you're scared of going to hell).
Without religion, twisted people will just find something else to fight for like money, respect, power, women, men, and other things and people they want.

I'm not very religious myself, but I feel people should live life the way they want to, but without interfering in other peoples lives in a negative way like the mafia, drug lords, gangs, environmental terrorists, thugs, and other violent people.
Without religion, twisted people will just find something else to fight for like money, respect, power, women, men, and other things and people they want.

I'm not very religious myself, but I feel people should live life the way they want to, but without interfering in other peoples lives in a negative way like the mafia, drug lords, gangs, environmental terrorists, thugs, and other violent people.
I'm not saying they shouldn't, I'm saying they should tone it down. They are going crazy with power. They are getting more and more violent.
only thing I got to add is that waging a battle, war, fight, ect. because of religion should be a national crime. And on top of that gaining leader status is not right just because your religion is so big.
I agree with DG, and adding on to that, I am not surprised by this. It seems as though religion has brought out an ugly side in people moreso in the last decade, than it has since he beginning.

All I hear nowadays is about child molestation, lies and scapegoats, hate crimes, murder, terrorist activity, etc, etc.. all in the name of religion. I hear more about this, than I do the "peace" and positive influences that their supporters are always saying that their religion is about.