Any good PS4 exclusives?


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For those who own the console, are there any good exclusive games for the Playstation 4? I've heard lots about how well it's selling, and it does seem to be the best of the existing options, but the exclusive games... I haven't heard a whole lot about.

Do they exist?
Bloodborne, The Order: 1886, and Omega quintet. Like I said in the other topic, I loved OQ until Over Break on the harder difficulties. As far as digital, Axiom Verge is a STUPENDOUSLY GREAT homage to Metroid. It was the Metroid we have needed since the GBA games (meaning the GBA were the last exquisite ones, imo).
That is a very good question. I'm curious about the answer(s) as well. The Order 1886 was supposed to be amazing but I've heard over and over that the game was too short and the story line wasn't that great. The graphics are spectacular they say but other than that it's not really worth anyone's time. At least, that is the impression that I've gotten from those that talk about it. I haven't played the game myself to comment on it personally.