Any intersting horror movies?

The last horror movie I watched was "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" which came out back in August of 2019. I had read the book that movie is suppose to be based on and I was curious to see how the movie would turn out. I thought the movie was pretty good.
The last horror movie I watched was "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" which came out back in August of 2019. I had read the book that movie is suppose to be based on and I was curious to see how the movie would turn out. I thought the movie was pretty good.
Never heard of it.
I will give it a try. Thank you for the recommendation, WitchAssassin. :D
I don't do horror.
The last one I've ever watched all the way through without closing my eyes or just turning it off was 'Wishmaster'.
As a child, it was scary. After this, I stuck with my cartoons along with other shows. haha