Any one remember (or at least hear) about that campaign to stop the X Factor winner's single reach t

Well, it's happening this year, although the song they chose is better.
Wanna know what it is? Well, if you've seen the Family Guy episode entitled "I Dream of Jesus", you'll know exactly what I mean.

Just incase... I'll give you a clue... have you heard? <-- yeah, that's the clue
Oh wait, you haven't? Well, I just assumed you would have heard... I mean ... it's pretty well known... most people have heard.

OK, so, you're SERIOUSLY saying that you ... have .... not.... heard?

OK, now you must know what I'm talking about right? RIGHT? RIIIIIGHT??

Um.. so, yeah, in the UK Charts, it's sort of #3 (in a sort of "update" thingy where they show what the chart looks like mid-way.

I've wondered, if they show the video in the "charts" on TV, do they have a video for the song anyway?
Usually, when they don't they skip to the next one... and I'm assuming in America you have a TV version of the Billboard Hot 100? I.e. the Hot 100 but instead of on the radio, it's on MTV, with the music videos of the songs in order?