Any Professionals aboard?

I've been playing games since I was 3, and over the course of time I've learned to do more than just play games! So yes, I'd consider myself a professional gamer, but far from the absolute best! I'm not good enough to set world records, or to compete in championships!
I'm a professional if I give myself the time. Right now, I don't have, and nor do I have the need to have the moral obligations of being an MLG eSports pro.
I have been gaming since I was around 3 years old and I still game now. I wouldn't at all call myself a professional but I would say that with enough practice I can do really well at a game. Fortnite is the one game at the moment that I like to play a lot to get better at. I have found that the more I played the better I got at it but I could never jump in with the pros.