any tips on how to get more star coins in super mario bros 2?

zack is asome

Well-Known Member
i have beaten the main path but i havent gotten enughf star coins to un lock it any tips will be appreshieted
Well, if you don't mind spoilers on where they actually are, you can use here.

Edit: Wow, that actually worked. Nice.

Anyway, another good reference is over on Mario Wiki. There aren't any screenshots, however you can scroll to the bottom of the page and find that the Worlds and Levels are organised so that you can click on a level and go to the next one with no hassle.

I used a combination of both to get me through the game.
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I can tell you, that there is absolutely no way that you will "not have enough coins". Or more specifically, you will never "not be able to get enough coins". The game is designed in such a way, that as long as you get every coin, no matter what happens, you won't be screwed.

There are 73 stages in Worlds 1-6, Mushroom and Flower, and 3 coins in each, therefore, 219 coins.

There are a total of 24 paths which are unlocked by spending 5 coins. This means that if you get all 219 star coins from Worlds 1-6, and the first 2 'special' worlds, that's 219 - 120, and you're left with 99 coins.

90 of these coins are then used to unlock the Star World, i.e. gain access to it. The last 9 coins, are used to open the last Gold Mushroom House, in the Star World, which is specially made to ONLY appear, when you have all Star Coins, as it's only possibly to end up with those last 9 coins, IF you get all of them.

So, to summarise:
219 Star Coins
120 Star Coins spent on all paths blocked by a 5-star-coin gate = 99 Star Coins left
90 Star Coins spent to access Star World = 9 Star Coins left
9 Star Coins spent on the last path to the Gold House in Star World = 0 Star Coins left