Any unaccomplished goal of 2022?


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Full GL Member
Is there any thing you wanted to do in 2022, but was not able to achieve it? Maybe a vacation or getting a new job?
No, I think I'm where I wanted to be at, maybe more money in the bank be nice.
Not that I can think of now. I'm good for the year. Apart from losing some of my loved one's, I'm where I feel I need to be.
I'm sorry, what?
I was hit with surprise the same way you were hearing that. I was told it happened in her laundry room. How it happened, I'm not sure because I was just there with her last month and I was in the same laundry room where we did our laundry. She's been using the same laundry machine for years, so how she got electrocuted there is still weird to me.

These are pictures I took with her on 9th of November. I still wake up in shock if I remember her in my sleep.



RIP my dear Mimi.