Anyone actually kind of like it when games mock the player?


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Because while some people online (especially video game journalists) seem to be super easily offended and get upset at the idea that the player might be flat out told 'you suck' by the game they're playing, I've always found games that do such games more interesting myself. Or at least, I've always found them to have more personality in some sense.

Like how one of the best parts of the Donkey Kong Country franchise (alongside the platforming and music) is actually to hear Cranky Kong rip modern gaming to shreds in the cruelest way possible:

Oh dear! Call that tin can a boss? Surely K.ROOL can come up with better than that, maybe a bucket or perhaps a really nasty fridge!

All right. If you somehow get back safely from this and bring back that good-for-nothing Donkey with you, I'll admit that maybe you have what it takes after all. But if you don't there will never be more than cheap cameo roles for you in the future, my boy.
You're only reading this because you're bored!

So let's see what nonsense they've made up for this game, shall we? Hmm... well, I have to hand it to them. This time they've managed to come up with a decent storyline that doesn't involve the usual golden bananas. Only joking kids! This one's worse than all the previous efforts put together! I know you probably aren't expecting a best seller, but wait till you hear this load of rubbish...

Tough luck kid. I've been told to keep my mouth shut, as they want to keep all the good stuff for a money-making strategy guide. I'm sure some of it will appear on the newfangled 'internet' thing as well, so I suggest you take a look-see there. You could also ask your friends, assuming of course you've got any. If all else fails, you'll just have to play better.

Funky stocks the following shooters, all of which can hopefully be upgraded, if you can get that far into the game without falling asleep.

Crash into too many things, and even this stuff can't save you.

Why are you falling into holes anyway?

Is it mean spirited? Maybe, but you just have to love the honesty of a game which can mock the hell out of itself.

And it's not the only good example. Smash Bros Melee had the best 'you fail' sound ever:

Losing in certain WarioWare mini games had the game call you a pathetic idiot (especially Ashley's mini games in WarioWare Touched and Smooth Moves).

And Yoshi's Island DS, for all it's horrible level design quality, at least liked to rip you apart for time trial mistakes:

And there's one more important piece of advice for you. So listen up! Time keeps on ticking even as you are reading this message!


Lost Time!

Oh, and let's not forget old text adventures and platform hell games.

Honestly, I think we need more games that mock the player to be honest. Might make todays gamers a bit tougher and stop them being such a bunch of wimps on the internet.

Anyone else agree?
Oh I actually do like games that mock the player, especially in Call of Duty Zombies. For example a quote in Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies the Russian guy named Nikolai would say, "Hey kid! Drop the chips and get me more ammo!" It's really fun when the game actually interacts with you.
The stanley parable sometimes does this. Although it's not for losing.

Yeah, more games should be able to take the piss out of themselves AND their players. I think it's very funny.
Mocking the players I guess adds up the thrill and fun with the game. I've tried it with Smash Bros Melee and it was really funny!
I like it when I get mocked, because then it gives me a reason to make a come-back remark to see that getting mocked dosen't bug me one bit! (And who ends up winning, huh?)

This is my 500th post! (Finally! Now about 5 more years and I'll hit 1k...)
And speaking of mocking, the first Spyro game had some mocking in it (Ex: Wizards laugh at you because you can hit them) as well as Mario Kart 7 (having Toad mock you just makes me want to hit him with a Blue Shell).