Anyone else pissed off at the games on the 3DS?

Wasabi Jellyfish

The Audacious
There are going to be so many bad games before a single good one comes out (for a month or so)
Why is this?
How come Movie games are released first?!
Just give it time, I say. I left the DS for about a year a bit before I got it bundled with Mario Kart DS for a pretty good price, but I guess that's only good for those that can wait, heh.

It doesn't really affect me though to be honest, probably because I'm just going to wait it out like I did with the 3DS. I WILL get it, don't get me wrong, just not right now after launch date.
I'm very content with my Super Street Fighter 4 3d. You should try it, it really is a fun game. If I hadn't got that game...there was always Rayman and Nintendogs. Don't knock em before you try em.
is a lazy port of Rayman 2 and the 3D effects aren't very good.... well I don't know, that's what I've read on the internet somewhere.

From an article of
A writer for NGamer said that Rayman 3D is a dodgy port. RawMeatCowboy of GoNintendo has weighed in with his thoughts and there’s no difference of opinion. He refers to Rayman 3D as “a loveless port,” and cites issues with the frame-rate, a poor implementation of the 3D effect and broken sound effects that, on a regular basis, simply don’t play. I have the game attached to my preorder of the Australian 3DS – unfortunately – so I’ll put up some videos on the YouTube channel when it arrives on Thursday.
I am also in Australia.

The price of 3DS here ranged between $298 (Pre-order and get it in another 3-4 weeks) - $348 (Get it in the next few days).

The issue is not only about lack of launch game tittles but also some retailers are putting a very high price for the games. The cheapest I can find for Street Fighter is $59. Some places sells them at the price of $60-$75.

By the way, I would like to know the price of your local shop 3DS and its games.
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It's not the price that's annoying me, it's the games. I would rather play real games than the ones built into the 3DS.
Nintendogs and Street Fighter are not my forte and Rayman does look like a horrible port (I still can't wait for Rayman Origins)
So I'll just buy a 2nd 3DS with Kid Icarus next month and give the one I have now to my niece cause she loves the Rabbids games.
It's not the price that's annoying me, it's the games. I would rather play real games than the ones built into the 3DS.
Nintendogs and Street Fighter are not my forte and Rayman does look like a horrible port (I still can't wait for Rayman Origins)
So I'll just buy a 2nd 3DS with Kid Icarus next month and give the one I have now to my niece cause she loves the Rabbids games.

I see. But in my case, the lack of launch tittles and the price is kinda annoying.
A lazy port? Lmao. They're idiots. Framerate dips maybe twice the entire game. If you turn the music volume down to 25% and leave sound effects maxed, the sound issue is fixed too. They simply made the background music too loud for the speakers. And idiot could figure that out. It's a good game. Ignore them.
A lazy port? Lmao. They're idiots. Framerate dips maybe twice the entire game. If you turn the music volume down to 25% and leave sound effects maxed, the sound issue is fixed too. They simply made the background music too loud for the speakers. And idiot could figure that out. It's a good game. Ignore them.

What sound issue, by the way?
The only thing I'm angry with regarding Nintendo is Club Nintendo Australia's thing. Although now all 3DS games apparently get you Club Nintendo points according to this e-mail they sent me.

The Rayman sound issue sounds... interesting, heh.
I do wish there were more games I was interested in, but Nintendogs is very fun and I just ordered Pilotwings for $15 on Amazon($25 off a 3DS game for preordering the 3DS) since I gave it another try and it is pretty enjoyable. It was just the demo that was limited and horrible.
I do wish there were more games I was interested in, but Nintendogs is very fun and I just ordered Pilotwings for $15 on Amazon($25 off a 3DS game for preordering the 3DS) since I gave it another try and it is pretty enjoyable. It was just the demo that was limited and horrible.
That's good to hear about the Pilotwings. I wouldn't mind hearing what it's like some more, as in, what are the game modes and all the little detailed stuff. Does it have the same modes from the SNES and N64 ones? (I've only played the SNES one, so there was parachuting, planes, gliding and hovercraft [that hovering device thing] modes).
Sometimes the sound would glitch or overpower the SFX. It's an easy fix if you do what I did.

Got SF4, and I don't care much for it, though, I never did care much for the series. Getting Nintendogs and Cats and Ridge Racer 3D today. I'll keep everyone posted.
they should of made a rayman origins 3d instead of ANOTHER RAYMAN 2 PORT! they even have a ds one that you can play on 3ds -___-