Anyone getting tired of this 'diversity' crap?


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I mean, there's nothing wrong with more minority characters in video games, or ones that are portrayed better...

But the amount of gaming journalists going on about it like a broken record makes me almost want to see it not happen out of pure spite. They're just becoming far too political over this stupidity.

Anyone agree?
Unfortunately, it is not just gaming. Don't get me wrong, I'm for equal rights regardless of gender, ethnicity, or sexual preference, but I'm sick of hearing one is better than the other or one is holding another back or any of that crap. Yeah, prejudice exists and it sucks ass, I'm not denying that, but we're in 2015 not 1815 or 1915, it isn't nearly as bad as a lot of people are making it out to be anymore. I mean, especially not as much so in media. Want an example? Look at any black person in a Looney Tunes cartoon and see how they are portrayed.