Anyone heard of


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So I was talking to a friend about a game I used to play when I was younger. Growing up actually, Alpha Centauri. I googled the system requirements of the game to see what version of Windows I'd have to run a VM for in order to play it. The first result was

Turns out they make older games compatible for current versions of Windows, Mac, and Linux and they sell them for cheap. I got Alpha Centauri (with Alien Crossfire expansion) for $5.99 and I got Rollercoaster Tycoon (with all expansions) for the same price. They run perfectly and really play into my nostalgia.
nope, but sounds like an awesome site. Will check it out.
Yeah ive also heard that they will also take your indie game and put it on their store if its decent enought and its easier to get your game on GOG than to get steam greenlit
Yeah ive also heard that they will also take your indie game and put it on their store if its decent enought and its easier to get your game on GOG than to get steam greenlit

Not only is it easier for indie games to get on their but they are cheaper. They have Torchlight on there (I believe that's indie) for half the price steam has it for. I'm willing to bet they take a smaller cut than Steam does too.
nope, but sounds like an awesome site. Will check it out.
You've never heard of Seriously? I was under the impression that it's almost as popular as Steam and Origin. Also, I think I posted about it (either on this forum or somewhere else, I'm not sure), but searching for "gog" did not return any results because it can't find words that are only three characters long.
I have heard of GOG, but I don't think I have ever used it. I did just visit the website, and looks like a steam or origin style platform where you can buy games. It also looks like they have a good selection of games to try out.
I haven't heard of them till now. Sounds interesting and I definitely check it out. I'm slacking off regarding keeping updated with the latest technology and software
You've never heard of Seriously? I was under the impression that it's almost as popular as Steam and Origin. Also, I think I posted about it (either on this forum or somewhere else, I'm not sure), but searching for "gog" did not return any results because it can't find words that are only three characters long.

*is not a PC master race person*

But I haven't seen this discussed on other sites either, including yours if I'm not mistaken :P
I have heard of them, and frankly I love their service! There's a lot of older games that still look and play well in the modern age -- not necessarily as well as modern games but still remarkably well! My personal favorite from the site was buying ALL of the Neverwinter Nights 2 games for $15.99~ I want to say. It was somewhere between $15-$20! But it is now a ritual of mine to always get Neverwinter Nights 2 installed on any new computer I set up on, even if I don't actually play it.
Yes, i've been buying games from these guys for almost five years now. I still had a functioning laptop with windows XP back then, so running old games was not a problem for me, but they had very generous prices (and they still have). Now in the Win 7/10 era, if you have a PC and want to pay classics, GOG is possibly the best choice, definitely on pair with the Steam.
I have heard of GOG, never used it though. I usually just use Steam for PC games, as I don't see anything too interesting at GOG for a better price then Steam, and I also like having everything in one place.
GOG's short for Good Old Games and they're mostly having some great sales of those, although they do release newer games as well. It's owned by CD Projekt, guys who make Witcher series.
I've used it a bit recently because their summer sale is going on and I wanted to check to see what they have. I got a game for free for downloading their client. (Which may be available if anyone else looks in the GOG summer sale). Looking at the games I've considered picking up one or two on the sale (I'll have to go back and check it out again now that you brought up GOG). For most games I'm sure I'll stick to steam just because it's what I have been using, but GOG looks like it is good enough to get some regular use, especially if you're into older games.
While I have an account and a bunch of (free) games on it, I don't really use GOG. And not even remotely as much as I use Steam. It's not just about not having the interested for the old games, but also that I've already played many of the games that I like, and as such see no reason to rebuy them again.
I've heard of I only used it that one time they gave out Fallout 1 for free. I still have it, but haven't played it yet. I'm into playing old PC games that I grew up with, so I might give them a shot for nostalgia sake.
I really like what they're doing and I love the company behind it (CD Projekt Red). They're trying to make as many games as possible DRM-Free and I respect what they're doing. I just hope they would be able to add some decent games to their collections other than their own. I only find poorly designed games (sometimes free sometimes not) and bad RPGs and old games. I wish there were more, but I know they don't have a choice.
So I was talking to a friend about a game I used to play when I was younger. Growing up actually, Alpha Centauri. I googled the system requirements of the game to see what version of Windows I'd have to run a VM for in order to play it. The first result was

Turns out they make older games compatible for current versions of Windows, Mac, and Linux and they sell them for cheap. I got Alpha Centauri (with Alien Crossfire expansion) for $5.99 and I got Rollercoaster Tycoon (with all expansions) for the same price. They run perfectly and really play into my nostalgia.

I´ve probably bought about 20 games from there over the past 2 years. Pretty much every game I ever played as a teen, I am now replaying. I have yet to run into a single technical issue, although a couple of the games from the 1980s have pixalization so bad that they are not much fun to play, but those all came as a bundle, so it was like the first one wasn´t fun to play but the other 2 work great.
You've never heard of Seriously?

I'm on the same boat as the Admin is. Although I think I've vaguely heard of it, which is in the same realm as "nope, I don't know what that is".

Now that I understand just what the site's about, I might pony up some more cash and at least check it out.