Anyone here play LoL?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here play League of Legends?

If so, what rank/teir are you? How long have you been playing?

Would you like to team up sometimes if you do play?
I stopped playing  when I was a newbie since I  was kicked from every  single lobby I tried to join because of my newbie status. It's tough out there for a newbie I guess ;-;  
Seems like a hard game to get involved with, most of these types of games seem that way to me - hence the reason I am not trying to get into Destiny. As you can tell from my response, I don't play it and haven't tried it.
Martin said:
Seems like a hard game to get involved with, most of these types of games seem that way to me - hence the reason I am not trying to get into Destiny. As you can tell from my response, I don't play it and haven't tried it.
Destiny you will get smacked around no matter what your level. Besides people are always creating new characters.
I play league of Legends. I am a support main and main taric. I have a youtube channel playing matches and posted some gameplay .
I am playing LoL since season 1 actually. I really enjoy it and I somehow sticked with it for years. I main jungle, most of the time spamming Lee Sin because in my opinion he takes the most kill to master :)
I've been playing since S2 till end of S3. My favorite roll: jungler (Vi) and support (Blitz, Tresh). I didn't play ranked, because I didn't have nerves for that :grin:
Im diamond 4 this season but looking to reach master by the end of the season. The competition is getting tougher year by year so its a bit more difficult to achieve high ranks. Is there anyone who would like to duo by chance?
I play League of Legends on the NA server. IGN: Ame.  Current Rank: Gold 3, Last season rank: Gold111. On my climb to Platinum. Maybe even Diamond if I really start playing hard. I main top lane Tryndamere but I play every lane effectively at a gold level except for ADC which I am just not comfortable playing. I am down for arams usually, I don't like to waste my time in normals unless I am in a "don't care" sort of mood, there have been too many tryhards in normals to even make it worth playing because it feels like I should just play ranked when normal games are full of tryhards.  

I have been playing league since beta, but I played it off and on for the first year I think, I don't remember when I started taking it more seriously though.
I have been playing League of Legends on the NA server since 2012. I am currently Diamond V, which is better than 98% of all League players or some crazy statistic like that, but it's not something I particularly like to boast about... I am more of a fill player because I think it's important to have at least an above average understanding of each role in the game to do well. League was the first MOBA I played and the only MOBA i currently play. My favorite champion is post rework Nidalee. I played her mostly top and it got me through Platinum and then adjusted to Nidalee jungle. She's a really fun champion!
I play League casually because it really is such a time-consuming game. Most of the time, I only have time for one match or so. And its really hard to rank up when you're only playing a couple matches a week. Its also difficult competing with people who've played the game a lot more than I have as it really is a skill-intensive game. 

Nevertheless, I still enjoy playing. It's a nice change from WoW or Hearthstone (my main games). I'm considering getting into HoTS (Heroes of the Storm) since its still a new game and everyone's on the same learning curve. I feel like I'm just too far behind in LoL to ever really get a high rank.
At my peak of LoL playing I was plat I and missed the promo for D5 a few times due to unfortunate events (DC's, trolls...etc) which really ruined the experience for me so I stopped playing it as competitively and now I just play it everyone once in a while with some friends doing normals or ARAM's.  I used to main ADC but switched to support because my friend was not good at support and was an okay ADC.
I've been playing since season 2 and I'm still in bronze...I haven't played more than the ten placement games every season and the only reason I ever play ranked it because my friends nag me to. Since they changed ELO I've been placed in Gold and Silver but my points drained and I ended up in Bronze

I play every role reasonably well but prefer something with mobility because I like being able to gank. I haven't played much in season 5 'cause I'm not used to the new way of playing, but I'll still hop on when there's a new champ or game mode.
I used to play it a lot, then just a lot of ARAM and now I hardly play.

That new catfish champion has my attention tho he looks really cool.