Anyone here tried the Onlive 99 dollar MicroConsole which comes with a controller?


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It is only $99 according to the link below, and come with a controller.

It also come with

  • media controls
  • OnLive rechargeable Controller
  • battery
  • Power adapter, HDMI cable,
  • Ethernet cable, USB cable and
  • 2 AA batteries

It looks pretty good if you have a fast internet connection.
so $100 to try out demos then?
^You can also Subscribe to a 9.99 a month plan, buy and rent games on Onlive.

There is also a Windows and Mac App which let you game on Onlive with your computer with your existing laptop, desktop, keyboard, and mouse.

I like the Onlive demoing feature which I tried on the PC version for Windows since I don't need to physically download and install games, and use up a lot of disk space which I don't have.
Indeed, it is similar to Gamefly except your games are streamed to you on the internet, and you can play them on the Micro Console, Windows, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Google Android via the Onlive App Program which is like a web browser specially designed for Gaming Online.

I tried the Onlive App for Windows on my Windows 7 computer with 1GB RAM, and Onboard graphics connected tp a cable internet connection which are both not very fast, and surprisingly Onlive can run 3D games without any problems like lag which tends to happen when I run bigger games directly from the hard drive, and even Adobe flash 11 3D racing games like .